Plastic Surgery vs Laser Cosmetics


If there are things you’d like to change about the way you look, you have multiple options. Two of the safest and most effective are plastic surgery and laser cosmetics. And while the two options often work together, they aren't the same thing. In this post, we’ll take a look at the differences between the two options, and how to choose the one that’s right for you.

Let’s dive in.

Plastic Surgery 101

Plastic surgery is known for creating dramatic, long-lasting results. Common procedures like facelifts, tummy tucks, breast augmentations, and rhinoplasty address physical insecurities that would be difficult or impossible to change otherwise. 

Think of plastic surgery as a complete remodel. Plastic surgeons are incredibly skilled medical professionals who work with clients to identify “problem areas.” Then, they make a plan to fix them. While plastic surgery is invasive by nature, the results are permanent and, when done well, are natural-looking and designed to enhance a person’s existing beauty. 

Plastic surgery is ideal for making large structural changes to the body or face, and enhancing cosmetic appearance. 

Laser Cosmetics 101

If plastic surgery represents a total remodel, laser cosmetics is a skillful redecoration. Unlike plastic surgery, laser cosmetics isn't invasive. Laser cosmetic procedures also don’t alter the foundational structure or shape of the body or face. 

Instead, laser cosmetics is a gradual, minimally invasive, affordable way to address surface-level “problem areas,” such as brown spots or other signs of aging on the face or body, spider veins, stretch marks, wrinkles, scars, and more. 

Most laser cosmetic procedures involve little (if any) downtime. As such, the treatments are an excellent way to enhance the results of plastic surgery. They also serve as a less invasive and more accessible alternative to improve the skin’s tone and texture.

How to Decide Which Option is Right for you

Not sure whether plastic surgery or laser cosmetics is right for you? Here are a few things to consider:

The underlying concern

Say you broke your nose badly several years ago. Since then, it’s been crooked and difficult to breathe through. You’re self-conscious about the way it looks, and you’d like to breathe easier. Laser cosmetics won't help with this concern. Instead, this is a job for plastic surgery.

A plastic surgeon would evaluate the nasal structure and make a plan to remove obstructions. They may also straighten bones and cartilage to straighten the nose and restore functionality and appearance once more.

If you had scarring on the face because of the accident that broke your nose, on the other hand, that may be something laser cosmetics could help you address. Certain laser cosmetic treatments can break up scar tissue, smooth the skin’s surface, and restore tone and texture to your face.

Ultimately, the underlying concern will dictate whether you want plastic surgery or laser cosmetics. 

Your budget

Since it is more invasive and more involved, plastic surgery is significantly more expensive than laser cosmetics. The cost for plastic surgery procedures generally includes all patient costs, including pre- and post-operative visits, implants, and surgeon’s fees, as well as medication and prescriptions required for the procedure. 

While the prices of plastic surgery procedures will vary from place to place, and depending on your unique condition and concern, the following are the average fees for cosmetic procedures nationwide as of 2018:

To get an estimate of what the procedure you want would cost, use the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery’s (ABCS) estimator tool here

Laser cosmetics, on the other hand, are less invasive procedures and tend to be significantly less expensive than plastic surgery procedures. 

How much downtime you can stand

Again, laser cosmetics are less invasive than plastic surgery. This means the downtime and recovery time associated with them is also less. This is good news for anyone who wants an effective procedure that won’t require days or weeks of recovery time.

While plastic surgery creates incredible results, most procedures also take days or weeks to recover from. Some invasive procedures, like facelifts or breast augmentation, involve weeks of discomfort and downtime after the procedure.

If you need to get back to work or life quickly after your procedure, laser cosmetics may be the way to go. 

Get the Results You Want With Professional Skin Care Options

You don't have to live with premature aging or “problem areas'' that make you feel self-conscious.  Today, there are dozens of excellent options available to you. The trick now is just deciding which option is right for you. 

If you have a significant structural part of your body or face that you’d like to change, plastic surgery may be the right option. While the treatments are more expensive and invasive than laser cosmetic treatments, they provide permanent, dramatic results that can help you feel more confident and more comfortable in your own skin.

Do you want to maintain the results of previous plastic surgery procedures, address signs of premature aging, or just keep your skin looking youthful and beautiful? If so, laser cosmetics are an excellent option. Non-invasive and designed to minimize both downtime and pain, laser cosmetic treatments remove fine lines, age spots, wrinkles, spider veins, and scarring. The result of the treatments is smoother, more even-looking skin. 

The result is beautiful, clear skin that you’ll feel comfortable in for years to come. 

Laser Cosmetic Center: Your Partner in Advanced Skincare

While many people believe that only plastic surgery can address issues like premature facial aging, sagging skin, or hard-to-beat belly fat, there are many innovative laser cosmetic treatments that can resolve these problems. When you choose the right treatments for you, you’ll enjoy more self-confidence and enhanced natural beauty. 

The truth is that laser cosmetics and plastic surgery often work together - the results of one enhancing the results of another. Taken together, they’re an effective skincare approach that helps you stay youthful and naturally beautiful. 

Ready to learn more about laser cosmetics or laser skin care treatments available to you? Contact the team of skin care experts here at Laser Cosmetic Center.

Posted on September 9, 2021 .